Can I Still Buy a Home When My Job is Fu...

Hundreds and thousands of American employees are being furloughed in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic. Global retailers and businesses, including Macy’s, Penney and Gap, and many others, have announced their decision to furlough the majority of their workforce. Such decisions have also been announced across the restaurant and hospitality industries. Businesses have been hit […]
Simple Home Repairs You Can Do Yourself...

Damages and needs for household repairs are common across every home. The COVID-19 pandemic has shut down all handyman and plumbing businesses, but that doesn’t mean that creaking windows and leaking taps should continue to creak and leak. It’s time to put on your handyman cap and take matters into your own hands. All it […]
Real Estate Trends & Market Landsca...

The months of March, April and May are traditionally demarcated as the peak season for real estate transactions in the housing market across many states, including Florida. However, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has crippled many industries, and the real estate industry is no different in this regard. Now that people are no longer able to […]
Keeping a Clean House when the Kids are ...

How do you keep your Home clean when Kids are Anxious to Seek Messy Entertainment? The COVID-19 pandemic has confined us all in our homes to ensure social distancing in an attempt to flatten the curve and halt the spread of the virus. Keeping one’s home clean and tidy can be quite the burdensome ordeal, […]
The Unexpected Benefits of Owning Your H...

Renters across America, including the Sunshine State of Florida, are suffering due to rapidly rising unemployment. Workers and professionals across countless industries are on the verge of losing their homes across Florida and other states because of being out of a job and increased expenses of basic necessities. South Florida has always been one of […]
Negative Interest Rates Explained –...

Recent events have sparked a financial crisis – and the FED has responded by offering negative interest rates. This is obviously good for banks, but what does it mean for you? Here’s a little history and details on the whys and hows of FED interest rates and how the benefits flow back to consumers. Are […]
How has Covid-19 Affected the Housing Ma...

Though the situation is likely temporary, the various lockdowns and new rules pertaining to Social Distancing have thrown the housing/buying/selling market into turmoil. Open houses, for the most part, have come to a standstill and everyone seems to be holding their breath waiting for this thing to blow over. So how does that affect buying […]
Are you prepared for the Corona Virus (C...

The Corona Virus has finally reached Florida. It’s not the time to panic- it’s the time to take stock of your own health & hygiene habits and take sensible precautions. Here are some tips direct from the CDC to stay healthy. Stock-up on supplies If an outbreak of Covid-19 happens in your community, it may […]
These 5 Simple Improvements to Your Home...

In this market, it’s important to stand out. When you’re planning to sell, small things you do in your home can make a BIG difference. We’ve listed some of the lowest-cost additions/changes you can make to your home to increase your value and saleability of your home. Smart Tech Some simple and not super expensive […]
What to do about Wildlife? Life on the E...

Whether you’re new to the East Coast or just new to homeownership, one thing that cannot be denied about living in the Sunshine State is that Florida has some pretty interesting wildlife you will probably have to deal with at some point. Hopefully, it isn’t a full-grown alligator (trust us, those stories are greatly exaggerated!) […]